You know the famous saying, "April showers bring May Flowers."

In other words, times of cloudiness and rain bring better and brighter days. Quarantine has been nothing less than cloudy.
We don’t know exactly when it’s going to end, nor do we know exactly what has changed since it started.
But what we can be sure of is that after this is all over, we will bloom. If you aren’t using quarantine to your advantage, please reconsider this decision. I know a lot of us are spending time binge-watching movies and eating copious amounts of food. But how long can we do this? What happens if tomorrow we are all out of quarantine and we have to be up at 5 am prepared for a full work/school day. Will your body and mind be ready for your “normal routine”? If I'm being honest, I think we have gotten too comfortable with the idea of being home. Sure we can take time to enjoy a little lazy time, but we shouldn’t become lazy. When you keep yourself under the covers staring at a screen all day, you may feel yourself slowly losing interest in the things that once kept you up and running. Just because we are in quarantine, it doesn’t mean we stop enlightening our minds. Just because we are in quarantine, it doesn’t mean we stop training our bodies. Just because we are in quarantine, it doesn’t mean we stop nourishing our souls. How do I train my mind during quarantine? Books! And I'm talking hard copies. I’ve been reading books on friendships, relationships, and how we can construct the best ones to propel our lives forward. This has been allowing me to open my mind and be ready for new friendships, and mending friendships after quarantine is over. Another way I keep my mind engaged is if I’m watching a movie, I change the language audio and or subtitles so I can practice Spanish and Hindi. Exercising your mind can be as simple as thirty minutes a day of writing and or reading. These can and should be interesting books: Fantasies, Sci-Fi, Victorian novels, Romance, or Horror - anything that keeps your mind going! Physically training during quarantine is vital. We aren’t walking around nearly as much, so staying fit during this time is super important! I honestly feel like now is the best time to kick up our workout game because we don’t have any external social affairs that can get in the way of a workout. During our normal routine, sometimes hanging out with friends, parties, and social events may get in the way of working out. But now we don’t have those excuses! More importantly, think about how better you will be using your time and not to mention, how great you will look blooming out of quarantine. Now how can we nourish our souls? This can look different for everyone.
What is something that makes you the most vulnerable? An activity that takes you to an elevated mindset or space. The time during which nothing else in the world is going on besides what you’re doing. For me, this looks like: Praying Singing Playing instruments Laughing with loved ones and Skincare. All these things make me feel very wholesome and truly happy.
Quarantine has been getting a lot of negativity, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can use this time to become stronger and more beautiful versions of ourselves mentally and physically.
So tell me,
Are you ready to blossom out of quarantine?
