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Does your mind have too many tabs open?

Writer: Preethi Preethi

The other day, my computer was freezing and performing slowly because I had at least four different pages with 50 tabs open on each.

That's essentially hundreds of different web pages running at the same time while I'm trying to function on just one page.

I couldn't even listen to youtube without it cracking every second. But this isn’t the first time that I’ve had hundreds of tabs open.

I used to do this in college and friends would cringe when they saw my laptop screen.

“WHY do you have ALL those tabs open??”

I would just laugh and restart my laptop. I would then click the option not to re-open the tabs again so I could slowly start refocusing. But I only ended up clustering the tabs all over again in the next few days.

As found myself doing this routine years later, I realized it was deeper than just trying to multitask.

My mind cannot stay focused on one single thing for too long.

More so, I don’t want to stay focused on a single thing for too long.

I’ll open a google doc and start journaling and make a blog post, then halfway in I’ll check my Gmail, then after I’ll go work on my website for some time, and then I’ll open amazon and browse.

In the middle of all of this switching to different websites, my time and energy are being divided. Therefore, my focus becomes weaker.

My original task to journal and post a blog has been delayed. (Hence why I haven’t posted a blog in like over a year)

I have so much ambition, so many ideas, projects, and goals that I want to pursue that I keep starting them and moving on to the next.

Nothing is actually getting done. I'm just moving through it.

Do you find yourself in a similar position?

Maybe you’re in a career that you are not finding passion in and want to start a side gig, but then you also have that dream to start a youtube channel or write a book, or travel to a new country, and then you end up so consumed with the thought of your dreams that it all becomes too much and you just go back to sitting in your career that pays the bills.

I started to realize that for me to achieve all of my dreams and ambitions, I have to sit down with them. Like physically take a pencil and paper and write them all down.

I didn't write when I wanted these goals to be achieved, but just the goals and why I had them.

What was the purpose of my blog?

Why do I want to be a health and wellness coach?

What good will my books bring to people?

Will pursuing a master's degree move me forward?

These questions I tried to answer allowed me to see if my goals were going to distract me or allow me to be the best version of myself while helping others.

I also had to organize which goals I wanted to complete first.

Trying to complete too many goals at the same time will just leave you burnt out as you are dividing your time and energy piece by piece instead of putting all your focus onto one so that you can be fully immersed and present in the process of achieving and sustaining through this goal.

The sense of achievement will be felt greater when you focus on one goal at a time as you can make little wins along the way and see if you are truly progressing.

So my friend, if you’re like me and have a million and one dreams floating in your head, please take a deep breath, and just WRITE them DOWN. Answer core questions of whether these goals are going to help you and the others around you whom you want to impact.

I am highly advocating physical writing as opposed to typing because I feel writing truly cements the words down and creates a sense of actuality like wow this can be my future.

When you see words on paper that you’ve written down, it will motivate you so much more as opposed to you just typing them down in computer-perfect handwriting.

Let your goals be written in YOUR HANDWRITING

Your choice of paper or book. Scribble on the margins, and make it decorative. These are your dreams here.

Then once you’ve finished writing all your goals down, leave an extra page open so that you can add to this list. Because trust me, as time passes, you are going to have more interests, desires, and sparks of curiosity to try and start new things, projects, and places.

The next step is to organize the goals. Which one is most ideal to be approached first?

Not which can be finished the quickest, but which one most aligns with where you are now. With the resources and tools, you have available right now? That’s the goal you pursue first.

I would suggest just organizing the first few goals and stopping there because you may feel pressure and anxiety with the rigidness of trying to order all your goals.

The reality is that life comes first and goals may have to be moved around. So don’t put too much stress on ordering them, just focus on the first few that you feel most confident and prepared at tackling.

Slowly and surely you will find yourself pursuing and experiencing the journey of your goals wholeheartedly, and that achievement and sense of purpose will be fulfilled.

Take this one step at a time and don’t be discouraged if time isn’t in your favor.

If your goals are big, they need your full heart in them, and that means dedicating your focus to them one at a time.

I felt like writing this was more to keep myself accountable but if you find yourself in this boat as well I hope you can use it to your advantage and keep yourself accountable to achieving your dreams.

Don’t just go through life my friends, LIVE FULLY and PASSIONATELY IN it.

Happy Holidays,

Stay blessed and loved ~ Preethi


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