Blindspot - an area where a person's view is obstructed.
The past few months I've been practicing for my road test, and one of the greatest difficulties I've come across while driving is my blind spots. Like why is there even a moment that we cannot see the car or person behind us?
There have been so many times when I’ve almost hit another car (especially while on the highway) because I didn't check my blind spot.
It got me thinking about what within myself acts as a blind spot - something that I can't necessarily see but is there and could be the breaking point of something dangerous happening.
Everyone has their own blind spot or "fatal flaw" as they say in literature.
And if I'm being honest with myself, mine is definitely my emotions.
More often than I'd like to admit, I tend to over-react or dramatize situations
that may not be as bad or as promising as they are in my head.
I tend to think the worst, or hope for the best; there is no in-between.
So when I go in thinking that I'm going to get what I want and swerve
into the next lane, little do I know that there's a large truck in my blind spot
which I'm about to crash into.
Sometimes it's my fear - feeling like I'm incapable of doing things that I put my mind to,
when in reality I can more than likely achieve it.
Or the flip side, my stubbornness that doesn't take no for an answer even though the battle is already lost.
With emotions as a blind spot, it doesn't only mean that you dramatize everything, it could be the complete opposite.
Maybe you're extra cold to everyone and everything because you don't want to get
hurt, or you're cynical and cautious of everyone and everything around you.
Or maybe it's your quick temper that gets in the way of you thinking and communicating clearly.
These kinds of emotions can act as a blind spot because you may involuntarily act harshly to others without intending to, and it might lead to yourself and others getting hurt.
If you're like me and you've realized your own emotions are your blind spot, pat yourself on the shoulder for recognizing that.
The important part is working on navigating how you can better keep tabs on your blind spot.
Daily check-ins, having accountability via friends, and taking time to self-reflect, are all ways to better manage them.
Small things that continually foster your self-awareness will better allow you to see the weaknesses within yourself that are making it hard for you to see the people and things that you could potentially hurt.
Every vehicle has its blind spots, but with the proper and experienced driver, the blind spots don't pose a risk. In the same manner, we all have our own blind spots, some more than others.
But if we take time to actually learn and work with these blind spots,
we can prevent damaging other things and people from our mistakes.
I hope this was able to resonate with you as much as it did with me.
As always stay blessed, happy, and safe.