Have you ever been in a discussion or conversation where someone was speaking, while another person was raising their hand, waving it around anxiously wanting to speak, but ended up not listening to anything that was being said? Then when it was their turn to contribute, what they said was already mentioned or had no relevance at that point in the conversation!
I see this happen in classrooms and conversations all the time.
I used to be guilty of being the antsy person that just wanted to say what was on my mind, while not fully paying attention to what was being said in the conversation.
Sometimes we get so absorbed in what we have to say or what we think is the “best way”, that we don’t stop and listen to what is going on around us, or what people are trying to tell us.
This happens in all areas of our lives and doesn’t just apply to conversations.
I’m going to use a sports example (as per usual.)
Athletes have “on “and “off” seasons during which their training levels and performance expectations differ.
During the “on” season, athletes are training hard 6-7 days a week, eating healthy, getting proper sleep, and giving it their all during races/competitions/games.
This is the season where their determination and persistence pays off.
However, during their off seasons, athletes are meant to decrease their training intensity significantly, as well as the amount of time they train, in order to suitably recover for the next “on”season they are going to undertake. Athletes who listen to their coaches by down-scaling their training, stretching more, and eating properly, will only reap the benefits from their “active resting season.” However those who work too hard during their off season, or become absolutely lazy during this time, will suffer during their “on” season!

Working too hard may happen for those who are too used to routine and always want to give their 100%, that they feel uneasy and uncomfortable about taking training down a notch.
Working too little can happen when an “on” season has burned out athletes and now all they want to do is to eat, sit, and watch movies all day.
Both situations negatively impact athletes as they prepare for their season to shine.
Why? Because they are not listening to their coach and or the suggested protocol.
When one's body is put under stress for a long period of time, of course it needs a break.
However, too much of a break will cause the muscles to stiffen and soreness to increase, making training much more difficult and causing performance levels to decline significantly.
There are many instances in our lives where we may find ourselves cutting corners and listening only to our own heads, instead of taking the wisdom from others and or just hearing what they have to say.
It is okay to take advice; it is okay to listen to others’ perspectives.
Especially from people who care about you and have your best interests in mind.
We live in a world full of people for a reason!
Whether or not you choose to apply their advice is up to you, but do not fall into the trap of thinking your way is the only way all the time!
Humble yourself this season 🗣️👂🏽
